It has been way too long. By my calculations it has been nearly two years since I added anything to this page. That is quite the travesty. That does not mean that nothing has happened. Since I finished the rough draft of Face of Fear it has been sent away to an editor and I am now going throug the edits and trying to change it as they saw fit. I am also trying to tweak whatever things I am not pleased with and that is taking quite a while. While it is good to do, it is not very creative and I have struggled a bit with my other creative endevours. Pike Lake, my YA work in progress, has been standing still while I figure out the next step in that process, but I have been working on a few short stories that will show up here soon. I am once again working on a story for a Dark Regions short story contest and it will be a Pike Lake tie in. So that is taking a lot of my time. At the same time I am working on a science fiction cycle that has been running around in my mind for many years. It is called Chronicles and is set in a not too distant dystopian future. If you are interested in reading about that world I have added a page for it, or you can follow the link here
I will try to keep this updated more coming up, but it's not always that easy.