I feel like I start and stop with this blog more times than I care to count. I try to make it a way to keep myself accountable, but alas, it never seems to work.
Once again though, in an effort to try I am updating this blog to post about something new I have started working on. Camp NaNoWriMo is just around the corner and I have a novel mapped out for it, but this isn't about that story. This is about a new fantasy tale I have started. I call it Turn With the Wind and I'm quite excited about it. I have chosen to set it on a different continent from the one I usually work in, the same fantasy world, but different and new. I haven't quite worked out the details regarding it, but have a general idea.
The novel will tell four separate parallel stories, but will all converge towards the end. If it happens to be in one book, a trilogy or a series is yet to be seen.
I have just finished the prelude that sets up two of the stories. I will try to update this blog with information as the project moves along without spoiling too much and I will start revealing the four main storylines.
1) The change of power in a mighty Kingdom. The old king is dead and is tradition in this, unnamed kingdom, the parliament votes for the next person to ascend the throne. It is revealed in the prelude that Drosboe, of a mighty ætt (read clan), wins by a landslide. Most likely due to bribery. This worries the Blue Crosses, I will write more about what they are in a later post since he is unfit to rule.
2) A sickness is spreading through Inland, the center of the continent. It is referred to as The Wailing, since a paralyzing sadness takes hold of the inflicted and causes them to sob, then weep and finally wail until they die from neglecting to take care of themselves.
3) A party of adventurers set out to find their fortune. A Swan Maiden, a Raggman, a highlander and a Heí (a form of city elf).
4) The old warrior and hero Karsten Kolhester returns to civilization from his secluded home high in the mountains to find the person who killed his wife and daughter. A dark figure he only knows as The Wanderer. He suspects the culprit t be a death dealer, but has no clue why he would target him. He leaves to gather the surviving members of his old unit.
How these stories converge and what the outcome is, in the end, is yet to be determined. I will continue to work on this until Camp NaNoWriMo starts, but will most likely dedicate my time to writing Smoke of Home.
I will return with another update on Turn With the Wind and more details about the world.

Writing music today:
Folklore by Big Big Train