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Podcasting about TNA: an interview with David Gilbert

Writer's picture: ChrisChris

It is a virtual jungle out there when it comes to podcasts and it seems like everyone, from celebrities to regular Joes are trying to get in on the deal. It can be difficult to distinguish the good from the “not-so-good” as a listener and probably even more difficult to become successful at it. Someone who has managed to create a following by combining a love of podcasts and an interest in wrestling is David Gilbert a family man with two sons living in Essex just outside of London.  Gilbert and his wife host the TNA TALK PODCAST, which airs live on Mondays 9 p.m. UK time. On the podcast they review the latest TNA Impact show and discuss rumors and the world surrounding TNA. C. Marry Hultman caught up with him to talk TNA and the life of a podcaster.

David Gilbert

David Gilbert

CMH: How long have you hosted the Talk TNA Podcast

DG: We have been doing the TALK TNA PODCAST for 84 straight weeks!

CMH: How did it all get started?

DG: I have been watching TNA since about 2007, and I have always watched wrestling. I also enjoy lots of different podcasts, and I started the TALK TNA PODCAST with my wife as something for us to enjoy together. And here we are, 84 weeks later!

CMH: Are you surprised that it has gone almost 100 episodes?

DG: Not really, because once I commit to something, I tend to stick with it. Especially if I am on a schedule with it like I am with the podcast.

CMH: Had you had any experience working in any form of broadcasting before?

DG: Not in broadcasting, but I used to be in a band and I have recorded music at home in the past, so I am familiar with microphones and the audio editing side of things

CMH: Was it easier to get started than you expected?

DG: I researched starting a podcast, so I knew what to expect. I had to teach myself a few things, but I didn’t really struggle at all.

CMH: You have a dedicated following now, how did you get the word out? Did you have zero listeners for the premier episode?

DG: I cant remember how many we got for the first show. It takes more time promoting the show and getting the word out there than it does producing the show. It’s a lot to do with social media and building relationships with people. That takes a lot of time and dedication

CMH: Were you particularly fond of TNA and that is why you chose it as your subject matter?

DG: Yep, like I said, I have been watching TNA since 2007 and for the past few years, my wife Claudia was watching the show with me, so it was something we both watched together and could talk about together, so we started the show. The podcast was my idea, but I convinced Claudia that it would be a good idea to do it with me! She constantly regrets agreeing to do it!!

CMH: How much work goes into the podcast and the website? Social Media, promotion, articles, interviews etc?

DG: A lot of work. I would do more work if I had the time. Most days, I am doing something to do with the podcast and website and covering TNA in general

CMH: Is your goal or wish to make a living off of the podcast or in some way work within wrestling?

DG: Not at all. I enjoy covering TNA and bringing my audience accurate information as well as producing a very entertaining and informative weekly podcast.

CMH: You have done a few interview with TNA wrestlers like Shark Boy, Manik and Davey Richards, is it a struggle to get in touch with the TNA roster?

DG: It can be hard work trying to confirm things with them, but they are busy people. But it’s not especially hard to get in touch with most of them

CMH: Who have you not managed to nail down that you would like to interview?

DG: One of the TNA Knockouts, but hopefully I will be able to speak to some of them in the future

CMH: You often talk about people within TNA that you have contact with. How have those contacts come about?

DG: Just persistence and working on building relationships.

CMH: Do you have a team of go to guys that keep you in the loop?

DG: Not really. There is so much rumor that flies around the internet and all I do is try and get things clarified by people closer to the information, but that’s not always easy.

CMH: I know TNA just premiered on Destination America, but lets talk about the past year ;what do you think of the current product?

DG: The past year was just run of the mill TNA – nothing really groundbreaking, just pretty safe. At times, the product was pretty boring, to be honest. And that’s just being truthful.

CMH: I just watched TNA’s greatest matches (Sting/Kurt Angle) and best matches on Impact and both crowd wise and wrestling wise it was quite different a few years ago. When do you feel TNA was at its best?

DG: I think a lot of people feel it was really good around the 2004, 2005 times, but I am not sure. I don’t really remember things from year to year and I find it hard to recall what years things have happened. They have good storylines from time to time and periods of being good, but that’s never been that consistent, but that’s the nature of doing a weekly TV show without taking a break. Sometimes it will be bad

CMH: Any particular storyline that comes to mind? or stable/faction?

DG: I enjoyed most of Aces and 8’s stuff because it seemed to have a good storyline arc. I liked Eric Young’s work when he was heading up World Elite, and some of the Fourtune stuff with Flair

CMH: Who has been you favorite TNA wrestler of all time, so far?

DG: Oh man – I think I would say someone like Bully Ray – purely because I appreciate his work rate and his ability and he carried the company for a long time in the last couple of years. A consistently strong performer

CMH: If you were able to bring in any current wrestler that could really invigorate TNA who would that be?

DG: Tough one – in a fantasy world, I would say either someone like Paul Heyman or Stephanie Mcmahon, and neither of those are wrestlers.

CMH: What would you like to see from TNA in the coming year?

DG: Creativity, imagination, commitment & better writing. More compelling TV. A reason to tune in each and every week. Something fresh and exciting, not too much to ask for

CMH: If a TNA fan would tune in to TALK TNA PODCAST what could they expect to hear?

DG: Lots of laughter, and also all the latest TNA news and the most in depth review of Impact wrestling that you will find – and lots of laughing! We aim to entertain and inform

CMH: What are your hope and wishes for the Podcast in the coming year and for the future?

DG: Just to carry on doing what we are doing and grow our audience. Once people discover our show, they generally enjoy it and keep on listening. Just want to have fun and do the best job we can do

CMH: Where can listeners find you?

DG: You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher and Tunein radio and also listen to and download every episode on

If people like what we do and want to show us some love, they can do that at

So if you want interesting news, opinions and facts, look for TALK TNA PODCAST at your local podcast outlet.

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